Our Energy Efficiency Strategy

We provide a thorough assessment of your usage, expenses, incentive programs, and retrofit opportunities to enhance energy efficiency and save you money.



Assess the current performance of your energy supply. We leverage our technology and energy efficiency expertise to comprehensively assess the performance of your energy supply and discover opportunities to improve efficiency and cost savings.



Implement energy-saving tactics and enroll in incentive programs. After we discover a best-fit solution, we help you execute your next steps; whether that’s retrofitting your buildings, enrolling in a demand response program, or procuring renewable energy resources.



Measure the response to your energy efficient practices. We continually monitor and measure the performance of your strategy to ensure you are maximizing the efficiency of your energy supply.

Industry Expertise

We serve a range of industries and organizations – helping each meet their energy efficiency goals with tailored goals.

Commercial Real Estate




Data Centers




Commercial Real Estate




Data Centers




Your Trusted Energy Partners

Stanwich is an independent, privately held consultancy firm providing comprehensive energy management services to commercial and industrial businesses with diverse facilities located in deregulated power markets throughout the country. As a private company, we do not make decisions based on shareholder return or value perception – we only work in the best interest of our clients.


Our team is made up of top experts in sustainability and energy procurement. We don’t just focus on securing renewable energy supply, we also ensure you are getting the most cost-effective energy solution.  

Industry Knowledge

Our expertise and capabilities span a range of industries including real estate, healthcare, hospitality, and more.

Market Tracking Technology

Our proprietary market tracking tool is the best in the industry. It pulls from more than one billion data points to provide the most accurate, real-time market insights.

Your Complete Energy Provider

Energy Procurement


Risk Management

Demand Response


We deploy strategic energy purchasing strategies that manage risk and reduce costs.

Deliver on corporate initiatives with our team of renewable energy solutions experts.

Our proactive approach to risk management is designed to effectively mitigate risk and protect your business.

Reduce energy consumption and earn payments for it with a strategic demand response plan.

Get the reporting you need to stay informed and make intelligent decisions right to your inbox.

Explore Our Market Insights

Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) are regulatory mandates requiring electric utilities and..
PJM's recent capacity auction has set the stage for significantly higher costs in the 2025/2026..
As temperatures soar in New England, so does the demand for power. On those peak energy days, when..
With rising temperatures, the demand for electricity surges in homes and businesses throughout New..
As the summer sun scorches down, air conditioners across the region whir into overdrive. But it's..
In the sweltering Texas summer, when air conditioners work overtime and electric grids are pushed..
We are thrilled to announce that Stanwich Energy has officially joined the iMasons Climate Accord..

Let's Talk!

Discover Your Energy Solution

We are here to help you define energy goals and implement the right strategy to achieve them.