New York PSC Adopts Emergency Order Concerning ESCO Imbalances

New York PSC Adopts Emergency Order Concerning ESCO Imbalances


The New York Public Service Commission has adopted an Emergency Petition filed by Central Hudson Gas & Electric for temporary tariff amendments "to ensure the safety and reliability of the natural gas distribution system." The need for this stems from decreased electricity and natural gas usage due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the stay-at-home issues ordered.

Under the PSC's order, Central Hudson will:

  1. Temporarily waive daily imbalance penalties for Retail Suppliers delivering outside the prescribed deadband, and
  2. Adjust the Index pricing applied to Retail Suppliers’ over- and under-deliveries such that the average of the existing Index prices be used for both over- and under-deliveries, effective April 1, 2020 and until such time that the Governor’s Executive Order is lifted.

For more information on this, contact your Stanwich Energy representative today. You can also read additional information from the PSC here.