PJM Capacity Auction Results: Prices Rise 830% for Delivery Year '25/'26

PJM Capacity Auction Results: Prices Rise 830% for Delivery Year '25/'26


PJM's recent capacity auction has set the stage for significantly higher costs in the 2025/2026 Delivery Year. The auction secured resources to meet PJM's reliability requirements, but the prices were notably higher due to several factors, driving up capacity costs for end users.

Key Factors Driving Higher Prices

  1. Decreased Supply: A substantial number of generator retirements reduced the electricity supply entering the auction.
  2. Increased Demand: The forecasted peak load for the 2025/2026 Delivery Year increased from 150,640 MW to 153,883 MW.
  3. Market Reforms: FERC-approved market reforms, including improved reliability risk modeling for extreme weather, have tightened the supply-demand balance.

Auction Results

The auction cleared at $269.92/MW-day for much of the PJM footprint, a stark increase from $28.92/MW-day in the previous year's auction. This hike reflects the market's need to incentivize new investment in generation resources.

Impact on End Users

Higher capacity prices translate to increased electricity costs for end users across PJM's 13 states and the District of Columbia. End users should anticipate rising fixed all-in energy costs as suppliers pass on these increased capacity costs.

Constrained Areas

Prices hit the zonal cap in the BGE zone in Maryland ($466.35/MW-day) and the Dominion zone in Virginia and North Carolina ($444.26/MW-day) due to insufficient local resources and transmission constraints. These areas will benefit from additional generation resources or improved transmission infrastructure to import capacity.

Future Outlook

PJM's capacity auction highlights a tightening supply-demand balance and underscores the need for new investments in generation resources. End users can expect continued upward pressure on electricity costs as PJM implements further market reforms and seeks to address resource adequacy concerns.

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